Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Microsoft Announces Free Energy Usage Application

The first step to saving energy is figuring out where you're losing it. Here's a new product that may help you do just that:

Microsoft Corp. recently announced Microsoft Hohm, an online application designed to enable consumers to better understand their energy usage, get recommendations and start saving money. The beta application is available at no cost to anyone in the United States with an Internet connection and can be accessed directly by visiting

Microsoft Hohm provides savings recommendations, which can range from placing new caulking on windows to removing air leaks to installing a programmable thermostat. These recommendations are reportedly tailored based on specific circumstances in the consumer's home including house features, usage patterns and appliances. If consumers don't provide their data, Microsoft Hohm will base its recommendations on local and national averages. According to the company, Microsoft Hohm will leverage the energy usage data and feedback from its users to refine and improve the accuracy and relevancy of recommendations.

Source: Clean Edge, Inc.

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